Lessons From The Life Of Bola Ahmed Tinubu: How To Achieve Success In Politics And Business

Lessons From The Life Of Bola Ahmed Tinubu How To Achieve Success In Politics And Business

Politics and business are two of the most competitive fields in the world, and achieving true success in both requires a rare combination of skill, strategy, and resilience. Few individuals embody this blend of traits more fully than Bola Ahmed Tinubu – one of Nigeria’s most accomplished politicians and successful entrepreneurs. This article will explore Tinubu’s life story, examining his background, political career, business ventures, and strategies for success. Whether you’re an aspiring politician or entrepreneur looking to learn from a master strategist or simply intrigued by one man’s remarkable journey to the top – there’s something for everyone in this exploration of Bola Ahmed Tinubu!

Who Is Bola Ahmed Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a Nigerian politician and businessman who has made significant contributions to the development of Lagos State and Nigeria at large. He was born on March 29, 1952, in Lagos Island, Lagos State.

Tinubu started his career as an accountant before venturing into politics. He served as a Senator representing Lagos West constituency from 1993 to 1999 under the platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and later Alliance for Democracy (AD).

He became the Governor of Lagos State in May 1999 after winning the gubernatorial election under AD’s platform. During his eight-year tenure, he implemented various policies that transformed the state’s infrastructure, economy, and social welfare system.

Tinubu founded the All Progressives Congress (APC), which is currently Nigeria’s ruling party. His political ideology involves promoting national development through good governance practices such as transparency, accountability, and efficient service delivery.

Tinubu is also a successful businessman with investments across different sectors including real estate, media, and finance. He is known for his strategic networking abilities which have helped him build strong alliances both within and outside Nigeria.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu remains one of Nigeria’s most influential politicians whose impact can be felt across different spheres of society.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Background and Early Life

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a prominent Nigerian politician and businessman, was born on March 29, 1952. He hails from Lagos State in the southwestern part of Nigeria and is a descendant of the Ojo family of Lagos Island.

Tinubu had his early education at St John’s Primary School, Aroloya, Lagos, and Children’s Home School in Ibadan before proceeding to America for further studies. In the US, he studied accounting at Richard J. Daley College Chicago Illinois and later obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Chicago State University.

Even though Tinubu started out as an accountant working with Mobil Oil Nigeria Limited upon his return to Nigeria after completing his studies abroad, he eventually ventured into politics where he has made an indelible mark today.

Tinubu’s father was an active participant in Nigeria’s struggle for independence from colonial rule. Therefore it comes as no surprise that Tinubu grew up with political awareness deeply ingrained within him. His passion for politics led him to join the pro-democracy movement against the military dictatorship which plagued Nigeria for many years.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s background and early life played crucial roles in shaping who he ultimately became a successful politician and businessman with great influence both within and outside of Nigeria.

Education and Family

Bola Ahmed Tinubu was born on March 29, 1952, in Lagos State, Nigeria. His father was Late Kafaru Tinubu and his mother is Chief Abibatu Mogaji. He grew up in the city of Lagos where he attended St. John’s Primary School, Aroloya.

For his secondary education, Bola Ahmed Tinubu went to Government College, Ibadan from where he obtained a West African School Certificate (WASC).

He later proceeded to Chicago State University in the United States of America where he studied Accounting and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree.

After his graduation from Chicago State University, Bola Ahmed Tinubu worked for several companies both in Nigeria and abroad before venturing into politics full-time.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been married twice; first to Oluremi Tinubu who is currently a senator representing Lagos Central Senatorial District at the Nigerian National Assembly and secondly to Oluremi Obanikoro. He has children from both marriages including Jide who passed away tragically in 2017.

Tinubu’s Political Career

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a Nigerian politician with an impressive political career spanning over three decades. He began his journey in politics in the early 1990s when he was elected to the Senate of Nigeria’s Third Republic under the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

During his tenure as a Senator, Tinubu served on several committees and played an active role in shaping national policies. However, his career took a hit after the military coup that ended Nigeria’s Third Republic.

Tinubu remained active behind the scenes during Nigeria’s transition to democracy in 1999. He became one of the founding members of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) party and played a significant role in its emergence as a dominant opposition party.

In 1999, Tinubu was elected Governor of Lagos State – Nigeria’s commercial hub – under AD. During his two terms as governor, he implemented major reforms that transformed Lagos into one of Africa’s most vibrant cities.

After leaving office as Governor, Tinubu continued to wield enormous influence within Nigerian politics through strategic alliances with key stakeholders across different parties. In 2013, he co-founded All Progressives Congress (APC), which went on to defeat incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan at polls held two years later.

Early Political Career

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s early political career started in 1992 when he was elected to the Nigerian Senate. He represented Lagos West Senatorial District under the platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). During his time as a senator, he served on various committees and made significant contributions to national debates.

In 1993, after the annulment of Nigeria’s presidential election, Tinubu became a member of NADECO (National Democratic Coalition), which fought for democracy and human rights in Nigeria. He played an active role in organizing rallies and protests against military rule.

Tinubu later joined the Alliance for Democracy (AD) party and contested for Governor of Lagos State twice but lost both times. However, he remained committed to politics and continued working towards achieving his goals.

In 2003, Tinubu finally emerged victorious as Governor of Lagos State under AD. He went on to serve two terms until 2007 when he handed over power to his successor.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s early political career was marked by perseverance and dedication despite facing numerous setbacks along the way. His commitment to democracy earned him respect both locally and internationally.

Governorship of Lagos State

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s tenure as Governor of Lagos State from 1999-2007 is widely regarded as one of the most transformative in the history of the state. He inherited a city plagued by issues such as poor infrastructure, environmental degradation, and crime. However, he quickly set about implementing key reforms to tackle these problems.

One of his first major initiatives was the creation of the Lagos State Security Trust Fund (LSSTF), which sought to provide funding for security agencies in order to combat crime and insecurity across Lagos. Under his leadership, there was also a significant investment in the construction and rehabilitation of roads and other public infrastructure.

Furthermore, Tinubu implemented policies designed to improve governance and transparency within government institutions. This included measures such as regular town hall meetings with residents aimed at improving communication between government officials and citizens.

Perhaps most importantly, during his time in office, Tinubu demonstrated an unwavering commitment to democratic principles, including due process and respect for human rights. His achievements during this period laid a strong foundation for further development under subsequent administrations.

Founding of All Progressives Congress (APC)

In 2013, Bola Ahmed Tinubu was one of the co-founders of the All Progressives Congress (APC), a political party that has since become one of Nigeria’s most influential. The APC was founded as a merger between four opposition parties in an effort to unseat the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2015 general elections.

As a founding member and national leader of the APC, Tinubu played a critical role in building and consolidating support for the party. He strategically formed alliances with other key figures in Nigerian politics and worked tirelessly to promote his vision for change.

Under Tinubu’s leadership, the APC successfully defeated incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan and ushered in Muhammadu Buhari as Nigeria’s new president. Today, the APC remains a major force in Nigerian politics, with Tinubu continuing to play an active role within its ranks.

Tinubu’s success in founding and leading the APC is credited to his ability to build coalitions by leveraging influence across various sectors of society. His willingness to work collaboratively while maintaining focus on long-term goals has been instrumental in driving political changes that have positively impacted Nigerians’ lives.

Ideology and Vision for Nigeria

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a highly respected political figure in Nigeria, and his ideology and vision for the country have played a significant role in his success.

Tinubu has always been passionate about good governance, democracy, and economic development. He believes that every Nigerian should have access to basic amenities such as healthcare, education, housing, and employment opportunities.

In line with this vision, Tinubu worked towards strengthening democratic institutions in Nigeria during his tenure as Governor of Lagos State. He also focused on improving infrastructure and developing policies that would attract foreign investment into the state.

One notable aspect of Tinubu’s ideology is his commitment to progressive politics. He founded the All Progressives Congress (APC), which aims to promote progressive ideals around social welfare programs and economic justice.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s ideology centers around promoting good governance through policies that prioritize economic growth while ensuring social equity for all Nigerians.

Tinubu’s Business Ventures and Investments

Tinubu’s success story isn’t limited to his political career, as he has also made significant strides in business and investment. His businesses range from real estate to media companies, including the construction of the magnificent Oriental Hotel in Lagos.

Apart from owning several properties across Nigeria, Tinubu is also an investor who understands how to identify profitable opportunities. He invested heavily in the stock market and reportedly made a fortune during the banking sector consolidation under former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Furthermore, Tinubu has been involved in agriculture with investments in animal husbandry and rice farming. He understands that diversifying his portfolio gives him greater financial security by spreading risk across various industries.

His ability to leverage his wealth and influence for political gain is evident through his patronage system dubbed “Bourdillon Group.” Through this group, Tinubu provides funding for candidates sympathetic to his cause at all levels of government.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s success story transcends politics as he has demonstrated remarkable acumen in business ventures and investments.

Tinubu’s Success Strategies in Politics and Business

Tinubu’s success in both politics and business can be attributed to several strategies that he has employed throughout his career. One of these is networking and building alliances. Tinubu is known for his ability to forge relationships with key players in various industries, including politicians, businessmen, and community leaders.

Another strategy that Tinubu has used to achieve success is leveraging influence. He understands the power of having a strong network and uses it to his advantage when making decisions or pursuing opportunities.

In addition, Tinubu focuses on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. He sets targets for himself and works tirelessly towards achieving them over time.

Tinubu is also adaptable and resilient, able to navigate changes in the political landscape or market conditions while still maintaining his focus on achieving his objectives.

Tinubu embraces controversy and learns from mistakes. He understands that not every decision will be popular or successful but approaches each setback as an opportunity for growth and development.

By employing these strategies consistently throughout his career, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been able to build a successful political career while also growing a vast business empire spanning multiple industries.

Networking and Building Alliances

Networking and building alliances are essential strategies for success in both politics and business. Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a master of this approach, having built an extensive network of contacts across Nigeria’s political and economic landscape.

Tinubu recognized early on that no one can achieve success alone. He worked hard to build relationships with like-minded individuals who shared his vision for a better Nigeria. This involved networking at every opportunity, including attending social events and meeting influential people in the country.

Through these efforts, he was able to assemble a formidable coalition of supporters who helped him win elections and build successful businesses. These alliances gave him access to resources, knowledge, and connections that were critical to achieving his goals.

Tinubu also understood the importance of reciprocity in building networks. He always sought ways to help others whenever possible by offering advice or introducing them to useful contacts.

Networking and building alliances are crucial strategies for achieving success in politics and business alike. By forging strong relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and shared interests, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has been able to achieve remarkable accomplishments throughout his life.

Leveraging Influence for Success

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s success in both politics and business can be attributed to his ability to leverage influence. He understands that building strong relationships with influential people is key to achieving success.

One of the ways he does this is by supporting those who support him. By helping others achieve their goals, he gains their loyalty and support in return. This has allowed him to build a vast network of allies who have helped him climb the ranks of Nigerian politics.

Another way Tinubu leverages influence for success is by using his position of power to help others. He has been known to use his connections in government to help businesses secure contracts or obtain regulatory approvals.

Tinubu also understands the power of media in shaping public opinion. By owning several newspapers and TV stations, he is able to control the narrative around political issues and shape public sentiment.

Tinubu leverages his own personal brand as a successful businessman and politician to attract investors and supporters. His reputation for being smart, savvy, and effective has made him a trusted figure among many Nigerians.

Leveraging influence requires building strong relationships with influential people, supporting them when they need it most, and using one’s position of power for good purposes such as helping others secure opportunities or controlling narratives through media ownership while maintaining a positive personal brand image.

Focus on Long-Term Goals

Bola Ahmed Tinubu is a master of focusing on long-term goals. Throughout his political and business career, he has demonstrated the ability to think beyond short-term gains and make decisions that will yield positive results in the future.

One way Tinubu focuses on long-term goals is by investing in education. He believes that educating people is essential for building a better future. As Governor of Lagos State, he invested heavily in primary and secondary education to ensure that every child had access to quality education.

Another way Tinubu focuses on long-term goals is by promoting economic growth through infrastructure development. During his tenure as Governor, he initiated several projects such as Lekki-Epe Expressway and Eti-Osa-Lekki-Epe International Airport which have since become models for other states.

Tinubu also values agriculture and food security. In 2012, he launched the Agricultural Youth Empowerment Scheme (AGRIC-YES) aimed at encouraging young people to take up farming as a profession. The scheme provided training, funding, and technical support for participants who were interested in agriculture.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s focus on long-term goals sets him apart from others in politics and business. By investing in education, infrastructure development, and agriculture among other things; it shows how much he values our future generation’s welfare while making sure that Nigeria remains relevant globally amidst all challenges faced over time with various socio-economic factors playing vital roles too

Adaptability and Resilience

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s success in politics and business can be attributed to his adaptability and resilience. He has been able to navigate various challenges by being flexible enough to adjust his strategies when necessary.

In politics, Tinubu has shown his ability to adapt by building alliances across party lines. He worked with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) during the 2003 elections, forming a coalition of opposition parties that eventually led to his victory as governor of Lagos State.

Furthermore, he has also demonstrated resilience in the face of political setbacks such as losing control of Lagos State House of Assembly during his tenure as governor. Despite these challenges, he remained focused on achieving his long-term goals for Lagos State.

Tinubu’s business ventures also attest to his adaptability and resilience. For instance, he was able to pivot from transportation to real estate development after identifying a gap in the market. This move allowed him to diversify his sources of income and build a successful empire.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu serves as an inspiration for anyone seeking success in politics or business through their ability to remain adaptable and resilient despite any obstacle thrown their way.

Embrace Controversy and Learn from Mistakes

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s political career has been marked by its share of controversies. However, he has always emerged stronger from these challenges and learned valuable lessons that helped him achieve greater success in both politics and business.

One example of Tinubu’s ability to embrace controversy is his response to the allegations of financial misconduct during his tenure as governor of Lagos State. Rather than shy away from the accusations, he faced them head-on and successfully cleared his name through legal means.

Another instance where Tinubu showed resilience in the face of criticism was during the formation of All Progressives Congress (APC), which many viewed as a risky move at the time. Despite facing backlash from some members of his own party, Tinubu remained steadfast in his vision for a united opposition party and ultimately succeeded in creating a formidable force that won Nigeria’s presidential election in 2015.

Tinubu also understands the importance of learning from mistakes. For example, after losing an important gubernatorial race early in his political career, he reevaluated his campaign strategies and developed new techniques that led to subsequent victories.

Embracing controversy and learning from mistakes are key factors that have contributed to Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s success in both politics and business. By not shying away from challenges or setbacks but instead using them as opportunities for growth and improvement, individuals can achieve great things just like this remarkable Nigerian politician turned businessman.


Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s life is full of lessons for anyone aspiring to succeed in politics and business. He has shown that with focus, resilience, adaptability, and the right alliances, anything is possible.

Tinubu’s success in both fields can be attributed to his ability to network and build strong relationships with people across different sectors. His vision for Nigeria has also played a significant role in shaping his political career.

In business, Tinubu has leveraged many opportunities to accumulate wealth over time. His investments have been diversified across various industries such as real estate, media, finance, and energy.

We can learn from Tinubu that embracing controversy and learning from our mistakes are essential ingredients for success. As you journey through your own path towards your goals in politics or business follow these principles which he lived by throughout his lifetime – Make connections & Build Good Relationships; Create Opportunities; Focus on Long-Term Goals; Adaptability & Resilience; Embrace Controversy & Learn from Mistakes.
By following these lessons from Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s life story one can achieve great things just like him!



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